Down to earth

Down to earth
Straight Out of Heaven ~~Click Here

Maggot Molly and EPERB Israel

Jesus in The Bible often spoke in Parables but they could be open in a nutshell if he so ordained~ I have three Molly stories for you and they seem very illusionary and far fetched ~ however I did not invent a drug that brings Ecstasy~
~ but my master did invent The sky
~~ I never do anything For Fame or Fortune ~if I did I would come back in the morning at a discount rate ~ which is one Loony less a Penny = 99 cents~ Molly One in a Nutshell~
~I woke up and out of nowhere I had a Dream about ecstasy something I never even heard of before ~ but Molly strikes a bell~ DING DONG ~
~Nutshell 2~I was sitting at a bar in Texas and MOLLY was serving us drinks ~ There was about 12 of us~ One of them said he had been in Nam but was very upset when I asked him about it ~I told him I was Canadian and my question was simply curiosity~He invited me to go sleep at his mother's but I passed on that one~ Leaving the bar heading to my Motel room a second boozing buddy said let's go beat up that guy walking behind the fence~
~Why praytell~ he has done nothing to you ~ answer in a nutshell~MAN YOU ARE SO COOL!~ Nutshell-3 ~ MAGGOT MOLLY ~ We were flying bear bait to remote northern outpost camps~
~We accidentaly sent out an EPERB alarm and a rescue plane was sent to locate us~ although Maggot Molly's dad launched a Pizza biz~ she went out west to the Dogs~ animal rescue that is and gave up her wings ~ I pray that before the dawn of the next era we will all have New Wings and I conclude saying I did wrap that up in a NUTSHELL ~
The Apocalypse